Monday, January 19, 2009

TREVOR - Anytime

So I am thinking of switching out my header picture with a new is a new contender. What's everyone's thoughts? And I already know his mom's! :) Eventually I will have a website that allows me the ability to rotate through pictures...however until then you get one at a time and have to come back here for the newest pictures!
Sorry I have been MIA on the blog lately. However I have been very content with my little holiday break! Have no fear, I just had my first shoot of the new year yesterday so stay tuned for Max's 6 month shoot. And this weekend I am heading home for Maya's 6 month and Cale and Rachel's wedding reception!


Dawn said...

Oh, this is precious! I think it wins the header.

Lindsey said...

Ummm yeah, TOOOO cute!!! :)