Tuesday, July 3, 2012

RYANE & SAIGE - Sisters

I'm not even going to apologize for the long post...these two are too much for just a couple pictures!! AND...I will be leaving the grid for the next 5 days!! PURE MICHIGAN here we come and you better be as PURE and PRISTINE as your advertising portrays!!
we all know this already but this is one of my favorite shots EVER!
When these two girls are competing in the 2022 summer Olympics I expect some commission from Wheaties or Nike!! Just saying!! :) just to give you the story here...big sister was going to show me a back bend walk-over(which I am sure I am butchering the technical name of what she is wanting to do) but was not comfortable on the grass, interjects little sister "don't worry, I got you, you can do it"  no joke it was straight off a Nike-hallmark commercial! ;)
I could just eat her... ok not literally but seriously, she is killin' me with the cuteness!