Ok for all your stalkers(family) out there here's your update. This month Gage has started "scooting" forward. We won't quite call it crawling but regardless of what "it" is it is making me sad! "Dada" is old news now, he says "Mama", all the time and his newest word is "Ga" which I am assuming that he's saying "Gage", Right?? :) He is eating a whole jar of #2 baby foods 4 times a day with a 5-6 oz bottle about 6 times. He is SLEEPING through the night,
alleluia, going down at 8:00 pm and sleeps most mornings until 7:00 am!! He had his first ear infection 2 weeks ago and took it like a champ! He seriously is amazing, this kid makes me so happy, and I cannot stop thinking how lucky I am to be his mom!

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